June 6, 1969, Chomutov, Czech Republic

Represented by Hunt Kastner Artworks Prague

Europe's Top 55 Galleries (2015)


1987 - 1993 Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem


1994 - 2008 Department of Photography, Faculty of Art and Design, J. E. Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem, lecturer of Studio of Photography

Since 2008 Department of Electronic Image, Faculty of Art and Design, J. E. Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem, head of Studio of Digital Media

2006 guest lecturer, workshop "Photography, Art in Public Space", Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts Prague


Z okna pozoruji tiché plynutí řeky. Festival m3, Město Chomutov Gallery, Czech Republic
Snímky vlaňajšej sezóny. Galerie Schemnitz Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia (with Anton Čierny)
Over the Hill. Gallery of Modern Art Roudnice nad Labem, Czech Republic

Sudeten Reinette. Hunt Kastner Gallery Prague, Czech Republic


Dust in the Gaps. Kunsthalle Košice, Slovakia (with Zdena Kolečková)


Sudeten Rhapsody. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic (with Martin Kuriš)
At the End of the World. The Brno House of Arts, The House of the Lords of Kunštát Brno, Czech Republic
It's Easy to Say. Fotograf Festival. Off Limits (photography in public space). Prague, Czech Republic
When you return home from work, it will all be nicely tidied up… Hunt Kastner Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Poster campaign for project Land of Human Rights. Graz, Austria
Thoughts for a Wife. Fiducia Gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic
Me and the Others. Nitra Gallery Nitra, Slovakia
Born There, Living Here. Czech Centre Dresden, Germany (with Zdena Kolečková)
For a While… Project for Artwall. Centre for Contemporary Arts Prague, Czech Republic
About Freedom. Hunt Kastner Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
ProjektRoom. Futura Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Landscapes. Josef Sudek Studio Prague, Czech Republic
Project for Billboart Gallery Europe. Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Message. Špejchar Gallery Chomutov, Czech Republic
Weekend. Klatovy / Klenová Gallery, Gallery at the White Unicorn Klatovy, Czech Republic
Hoax. The Brno House of Arts, The House of the Lords of Kunštát Brno, Czech Republic
Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Jídelna Gallery Česká Lípa, Czech Republic
G4 Gallery Cheb, Czech Republic
Chapel of st. Isidor Kováry, Czech Republic
New Fashion. G 99 Gallery Brno, Czech Republic
Telecom Gallery Louny, Czech Republic
People. Caffé Dessert Brno, Czech Republic
Suterén Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Clothing. Gallery at the Good Shepherd Brno, Czech Republic
Malá výstavní síň Gallery Liberec, Czech Republic
Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Diploma Work. SKS Gallery Chomutov, Czech Republic
Suterén Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic


Planet ID: vzpomínky na Zemi. The Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem, Czech Republic

1939-2021: The End of the Black-and-White Era. Permanent exhibition, National Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Všechny květy světa / 10. léta 21. století ze sbírek Galerie Klatovy / Klenová. Klatovy / Klenová Gallery Klatovy, Czech Republic
The Robinson Effect. Galerija Flora. Dubrovnik, Croatia

Heroin Crystal. Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic

Mezi meziprostory. Festival m3 / Umění v prostoru. Project in public space
Stavový prostor. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic


Disturbed Balance Revisited. House of Arts Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic

Absence in the Video Archive. projection, Kino Ponrepo Prague, Czech Republic

Umění volá! The Brno House of Arts, The House of the Lords of Kunštát Brno, Czech Republic
Umění je vydržet. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic

Old Adresses. The Brno House of Arts, The House of the Lords of Kunštát Brno, Czech Republic
Kvodlibet / Quodlibet. Hunt Kastner Gallery Prague, Czech Republic

Labyrinth. Exhibition of Studio of Digital Media of Faculty of Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. Pragovka Prague, Czech Republic

Probe 1, The Story of Slovak (Post)conceptual Art. Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Mo(nu)mentální topografie. Project in public space. Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Mo(nu)mentální topografie. Zastřená topografie - Poutníci nad mořem mlhy. Emil Filla Gallery
Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic

Photographers from Collections of Klatovy / Klenová Gallery. Klatovy / Klenová Gallery Klatovy, Czech Republic
By Virtue of / Dalibor Chatrný. The Brno House of Arts, The House of the Lords of Kunštát Brno, Czech Republic
(participation in the project)
Leave It in the Ground. House of Arts Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
In Their Eyes... Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
Soulful Interiors. West Bohemian Gallery Plzeň, Czech Republic
New Zlin Salon. Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, Czech Republic

Hommage a Zbyněk Sedláček. City Gallery Louny, Czech Republic
In Their Eyes... Kunsthalle Eurocenter Lana, Italy; House of Arts Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Neighbourhood Boogie - Woogie 2016. art projects in public space. Praha, Czech Republic

Reflexe - Jam session Pavla Baňky a jeho hostů. House of Arts Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Jaroslav Prášil - okolo bukového stolu. House of Arts Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Ze středu ven - Umění českých a moravských regionů. Kunsthalle Košice, Slovakia
How not to Want Anything? 4 + 4 Days. 20th International Festival of Contemporary Art. Desfours Palace Prague, Czech Republic
Modes of Democracy. Franzensfeste Fortezza, Italy
In a Skirt - Sometimes. Art of the 1990s. Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic; Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Modes of Democracy. DOX - Centre for Contemporary Art Prague, Czech Republic
Intimate Interaction. Gallery of City Ostrava, Czech Republic
From the Center Out - Regional Art from 1985-2010. West Bohemian Gallery Plzeň, Czech Republic
The Intimate Circle in Contemporary Czech Photography. Olomouc Museum of Art, Czech Republic
The Beginning of the Century. First Decade of the 21st Century. Gallery of Art Ostrava, Czech Republic
Their Photos. 1. patro Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
There is Nothing There. Czech Center New York, USA
The Beginning of the Century. First Decade of the 21st Century. West Bohemian Gallery Plzeň, Czech Republic
Passing Memories. Art Workshop Lazareti Dubrovnik, Croatia
University of Předlice. Exhibition of Faculty of Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. National Gallery, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art Prague, Czech Republic
Parallel History. GASK - The Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Ř! Česká národní identita v současném výtvarném umění. AAAD Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Crazycurators Biennale III. CK Zamek Poznań, Poland; Approach Art Association Pécs, Hungary
Prague Biennale 5 / Prague Biennale Photo 2. Microna Praha, Czech Republic
Hidden Publics. Škuc Gallery Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rýč, míč, klíč. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Parallel History. North Bohemia Gallery of Fine Art Litoměřice, Czech Republic
Domácí práce. Exhibition of Studio of Digital Media of Faculty of Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. Aula Gallery FFA BUT Brno, Czech Republic
Formats of Transformation 89-09. Museum auf Abruf - MUSA Vienna, Austria
Hidden Publics. Kunsthalle Palazzo Liestal bei Basel, Switzerland; < rotor > association for contemporary art Graz, Austria
Crazycurators Biennale III. House of Arts Bratislava, Slovakia
Inter-view. Nitra Gallery Nitra, Slovakia
100 Years of The Brno House of Arts. The Brno House of Arts, G99 Gallery Brno, Czech Republic
Making Worlds. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Behind the Velvet Curtain. Katzen Art Center Washington DC, USA
On the Tectonics of History. ISCP New York, USA
Formats of Transformation 89-09. The Brno House of Arts; The House of the Lords of Kunštát Brno, Czech Republic
Something of Myself: 23 self-portraits. Hunt Kastner Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Photomonth (Aktualizacja). Bunkier Sztuki Krakow, Poland
Via Lucis 1989-2009. Central European House of Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia
Rebus sic stantibus. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Velmi křehké vztahy. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic; (A)VOID Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Rebus sic stantibus. Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum Turku, Finlandia
Image, Communication, Style, Function, Concept. Exhibition of Faculty of Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. National Gallery, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art Prague, Czech Republic
Viennafair (with Hunt Kastner Gallery). MessezentrumWienNeu Vienna, Austria
NADA Art Fair 2008 Miami (with Hunt Kastner Gallery). Florida, USA
Zpřítomnění V. Biennial Dolní Kounice. Monastery Rosa Coeli Dolní Kounice, Czech Republic
On Tectonics of History. Wyspa Institute of Art Gdańsk, Poland
Hot Destination / Marginal Destiny IV. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic; Motorenhalle Gallery Dresden, Germany
Gross Domestic Product. Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic; Mars Gallery Moscow, Russia
Intercity Berlin-Prague. Galerie Alte Schule-Kulturzentrum Adlershof Berlin, Germany
Viennafair (with Hunt Kastner Gallery). MessezentrumWienNeu Vienna, Austria
Luftschutz. Exit Gallery Peje, Kosovo
Innenansicht Prag 06. Kunst Raum Niederoesterreich Vienna, Austria
On Tectonics of History. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
HumOrg - Human Organism. Gallery of Critics Prague, Czech Republic
Zpřítomnění IV. Biennial Dolní Kounice. Monastery Rosa Coeli Dolní Kounice, Czech Republic
Supermarket Sztuki. 1st Biennial of Young European Art. Tolerate Me. Warsaw, Poland
Beauty Free Shop. Prague, Czech Republic
Czech Photography of the 20th Century. Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Entermultimediale 2. Festival of Art and New Technologies. Prague, Czech Republic
Intercity Berlin-Prague. Mánes Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Širší proud. City Gallery Plzeň, Czech Republic
E 55. Raskolnikow Gallery Dresden, Germany
Armory Show. New York, USA
2+18, 10 Years of Studio of Photography of Faculty of Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. City Museum Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Finalists of Jindřich Chalupecký Award. Futura Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
The Youngest. National Gallery, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art Prague, Czech Republic
IN OUT. Festival of Digital Image. Prague, Czech Republic; Budapest, Hungary
Gute Fahrt für… Goethe Institut Prague, Czech Republic
4th Biennial of Young Artists Zvon. Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Icing. Václav Špála Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Short Message Strategy. Šternberk Gallery Šternberk, Czech Republic
Illumination. City Gallery Plzeň, Czech Republic
Icing. Institute of Contemporary Art Dunaújváros, Hungary
Plumb to Axis II. House of Art Opava, Czech Republic
It Is Maybe Here. Sýpka Gallery Vlkov, Czech Republic
Experimental Landscape. Malá výstavní síň Gallery Liberec, Czech Republic
Melancholy. Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic
Girls Show 2000. Peripherial 4 Iasi, Romania; Art Expo Gallery Bucharest, Romania; Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
1990's Continue. City Museum Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Girls, Girls, Girls. MXM Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Public District. Public spaces in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Ostrava-Ústí. 761 Gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic
2nd New Zlín Salon. State Gallery Zlín, Czech Republic
Fillovka Open. Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Reduced Budget. Mánes Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
Black & Blue. Art Workshop Lazareti-Kovačka 3 Gallery Dubrovnik, Croatia
North. Václav Špála Gallery Prague, Czech Republic
1st Zlín Salon of the Young. State Gallery Zlín, Czech Republic
Ústí Is not So Far. Sýpka Gallery Vlkov, Czech Republic
2nd Biennial of Young Artists Zvon. Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Private Anamnesis. Regional Gallery Liberec, Czech Republic; St. Adalbert's Church Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Identification in the Space and Time. M. A. Bazovský Gallery Trenčín, Slovakia
Disturbed Ballance. Citadela Gallery Prague, Czech Republic; Emil Filla Gallery Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic


National Gallery Prague
Museum of Decorative Arts Prague
Moravian Gallery in Brno
Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín
Olomouc Museum of Art

Klatovy / Klenová Gallery Klatovy
Center for Contemporary Arts Prague
Futura Gallery Prague


Nomination of Jindřich Chalupecký´s Award